I’ve never wondered til now…

Was the pier just being built as I sat perched up there on that pier post? Or had it aged out and been blown away by a hurricane long before we arrived there that day on vacation?

I don’t remember actually sitting up there. Or who placed me there. I don’t remember if I was frightened or at peace. I don’t remember the dress or the shoes I was wearing in the snapshot.

But being in that spot at that moment in time is fascinating to me. A part of my Timeline I would love to move to the forefront of my memories. The experience is embedded in the deepest part of me, my heart of hearts, I know, but I want to be able to relive it, to see it.

To be engulfed in the scent of the ocean and its creatures. To taste the salty air and rub against the rough texture of my pier-post vantage point. To feel the hot summer wind making my face red and sweaty and my hair sticky.  Hear the powerful rumble and lap of the waves as they come to shore and disappear into the sand in a peaceful rhythm…

Maybe I remember more than I think I remember…

Published On: January 6, 2024By 1.1 min read

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