I have a sick plant.
Nursing it along hasn’t seemed to be the thing it needed. I’ve kept it watered (for the most part). I’ve made sure it got enough sunshine (usually, sometimes). Did I feed it? (Yeah, I don’t think I did). You’d think the leaves slowly turning brown and looking stressed would have given me a clue that things weren’t progressing very well. Plants should look bright and green and stand up tall for all the world to see, you know? Not hidden in a corner.
If I want this little girl to make it, she’s going to need something drastic. Like maybe… I think I’ll cut the strands that are left, strip off the dead, brown leaves, find the right spot in the sunshine, give her lots of love and clean water and give her a rest.
Who knows, may be just the thing she needs. It’ll take awhile, no doubt. She’s been through a lot. Thinking she’s the most beautiful and important plant on the window sill will take a bit to overcome. She didn’t know.
But we’re talking about the plant here, right?